Sunday, August 14, 2016

Recording: Sandy Ewen + co.

Artist: Sandy Ewen/Andrew Furlong/Olya Glotka / Sandy Ewen/William Davison/Alan Bloor/Michael Lynn / Sandy Ewen [solo]

Songs: [excerpts from several improvisations]

Recorded at Array Space (Audiopollination #45.1), August 7, 2016.

Sandy Ewen/Andrew Furlong/Olya Glotka - [second piece]

Sandy Ewen + William Davison + Alan Bloor + Michael Lynn - [excerpt from first piece]

Sandy Ewen - [excerpt 1]

Sandy Ewen - [excerpt 2]

Toronto-born/Austin-based guitarist Sandy Ewen is an architect and visual artist whose musical practice has seen her work alongside Tom Carter, Damon Smith & Weasel Walter, Jaap Blonk and Weird Weeds. This trip to Toronto saw her play a couple shows alongside local improvisers as well as showing off her solo styles. Guitar laid across her lap, her implements included street chalk, steel wool, a mangled pet brush and some other tools to achieve skritchy-scratchy stereophonic sawing, a volume pedal ping-ponging her sound to a pair of amps behind her. The first set with Andrew Furlong's double bass work left some sonic space for dancer Olya Glotka to bend and twist in, while a noise-off with William Davison (contact mic'ed devices) Alan Bloor (amplified sawblade) and Michael Lynn (bass) filled up the room with whitenoise swells and buzz-sproing-rattle. Her closing solo set showed the range of sounds she can generate from her toolbox, ranging from coughing grinds to a pleasing drone that sounded like something generated by an e-bow and loop pedal, but required only her practical effects.

[Al always, you can checkout a full recording of the night over on Audiopollination's bandcamp. The series returns with another vising player — St. Louis-based violinist Alex Cunningham — on Saturday, August 27th.]

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